We are taking orders from dhaka north and south city corporation areas excluding some areas. Contact us if you need support in your area.
[ We deliver our service with 3 to 4 days including pickup and delivery at your doorstep. Our expert team of delivery person, admin personnel, QC & packaging staff, spot removal expert are working very hard to maintain effciency and quality. ]
We are a digital one stop laundry service provider named “ধোপাঘাট”. Our services are wash, iron, dry clean, spot/stain removal, smart packaging, home pickup & delivery. We are serving inside whole Dhaka metropolitan city area for over 6 months now with superior quality, exceptional value and unmatched reliability. We process laundry as per customer’s convenience and specification which saves both time, energy and money. We also pickup and deliver laundry clothes. We use safe and environment friendly detergents, softeners’ along with UV chamber for killing germs that efficiently clean all types of fabrics operated by our team of expert professionals. We also have a dedicated spot/stain removal section which removes all types of stains/spots from clothes.